NABAS Approved Course – Classic versus Organic Décor:

Price per Delegate – £199 (£166.67 + VAT) – MAX 6 students

This course shows the differences between the more fluid organic style versus the more classic and structured columns and arches.

Covering centrepieces, columns and arches, you will be able to see how both styles are created and implemented into décor, as well as realising how the materials, time and, crucially, job-costings differ along the way.

Learning tips and techniques, through a combination of demonstration and hands-on build, you will leave the course feeling confident with both styles and realise how both involve set design principles, just implemented differently.

Framework including Aeropole and backdrops are a crucial part of the day, understanding the risks associated with installation and how to cost are all covered in this course.

So whether you prefer the speed of classic, or the individuality of organic this course will give you all you need to know.

Includes NABAS certification, course notes and after-course support group.

Please note under current restrictions we are unable to provide refreshments or lunch, so please bring your own.

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